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Journal papers


Gunarathna, G, Gonçalves da Silva, B (2021) Effect of the Triaxial State of Stress in the Hydraulic Fracturing Processes of Granite: Part 1—Visual Observations and Interpretation. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering (link)


Abdulla, M, Sousa, RL, Arzuaga, I, AlDajani, O, Goncalves da Silva, B, Einstein, H (2021) FracProp: Stochastic Fracture Propagation Model. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering (link)


Gunarathna, G and Gonçalves da Silva, B. (2019) Influence of the effective vertical stresses on hydraulic fracture initiation pressures in Shale and Engineered Geothermal Systems explorations, Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering (link)


Li, B, Einstein, H, Gonçalves da Silva, B (2019) Laboratory Hydraulic Fracturing of Granite: Acoustic Emission Observations and Interpretation, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 209:200-220 (link)


Gonçalves da Silva, B and Einstein, H (2018) Physical processes involved in the laboratory hydraulic fracturing of granite: Visual observations and interpretation. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 191(15):125-142 (link)


Gonçalves da Silva, B and Einstein, H (2014) Finite Element study of fracture initiation in flaws subject to internal fluid pressure and vertical stress, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 51(23-24):4122-4136 (link)


Gonçalves da Silva, B and Einstein, H (2013) Modeling of crack initiation, propagation and Coalescence in Rocks. International Journal of Fracture, 182(2):167-18 (link)




Peer-reviewed conference papers and abstracts


Gunarathna, G.S., Gonçalves da Silva, B. (2019) Effect of the state of stress in the fracturing and micro-seismic activity of hydraulically-fractured granite, ARMA Symposium 2019, New York City, NY


Baptista-Pereira, C, Gonçalves da Silva, B. (2019) Effect of fluid diffusivity on hydraulic fracturing processes using visual analysis, ARMA Symposium 2019, New York City, NY


Mehryaar,E, Moulaeifard, S, Goncalves da Silva, B. (2019) Effect of heterogeneity in the simultaneous propagation of fluid-driven fractures: A coupled hydro-mechanical model using the extended finite element method, ARMA Symposium 2019, New York City, NY


Gunarathna, G, Ayala, R, Gonçalves da Silva, B. (2018) Injection rate-dependent fracturing processes and micro-seismicity during the hydraulic fracturing of granite, Accepted to oral presentation in the AGU 2018 Fall Meeting, Washington, DC (link)


Gunarathna, G.S., B, Gonçalves da Silva, B (2018) Finite Element Study of the Stress Field Near Pressurized and Non-Pressurized Flaws in Rock Specimens Subject to Uniaxial and Biaxial Loads, ARMA Symposium 2018, Seattle, WA (link)


Grewal, I, Li, B, Gonçalves da Silva, B (2018) Effect of Injection Rate on Micro-Seismicity Due to the Hydraulic Fracturing of Granite, GeoShanghai2018 conference, Shanghai, China, paper ID D0978 (link)


Einstein, H, Al-Dajani, O, Gonçalves da Silva, B, Li, B, Morgan, S (2018) Complete laboratory experimentation on hydraulic fracturing, Geomechanics and Geodynamics of Rock Masses, Volume 1: Proceedings of the 2018 European Rock Mechanics Symposium (link)


Gonçalves da Silva, B and Einstein, H (2017) Comparison between numerical and experimental observations made in hydraulic fracturing tests, ARMA Symposium 2017, San Francisco (link)


Goncalves da Silva, B. (2017). Image study and fracturing processes of dry trabecular whale bone during fracture toughness tests. In E. E. Gdoutos (Ed.), ICF 2017 - 14th International Conference on Fracture (link)


Gonçalves da Silva, B, Li, B, Moradian, Z, Germaine, J, Einstein, H (2015) Development of a test setup capable of producing hydraulic fracturing in the laboratory with image and acoustic emission monitoring. ARMA Symposium 2015, San Francisco (link)


Li, B, Moradian, Z, Gonçalves da Silva, B, Germaine, J (2015) Observation of acoustic emissions in a hydraulically loaded granite specimen. ARMA Symposium 2015, San Francisco (link)


Moradian, Z, Li, B, Morgan, S, Gonçalves da Silva, B, Germaine, J, Einstein, H (2015) Acoustic emission characteristics of shale. 13th ISRM Congress, Shale Symposium, Montreal (link)


Gonçalves da Silva, B and Einstein, H (2012) Study of stress and strain fields around a flaw tip in rock, ARMA Symposium 2012, Chicago (link)



Submitted Abstracts


Gunarathna, G.S., Gonçalves da Silva, B. Progressive microseismicity and damage of hydraulically-fractured granite subject to triaxial states of stress, submitted to the AGU Fall Meeting 2019, San Francisco, CA


Baptista-Pereira, C, Gonçalves da Silva, B. Diffusivity-dependent fracturing processes and micro-seismic activity in granite, submitted to the 2nd International Conference on Energy Geotechnics, La Jolla, CA



Co-Edited books or scholarly publications


Zhang, L, Gonçalves da Silva, B, Zhao, C, Volume 3: Proceedings of GeoShanghai2018 International Conference: Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, Springer, Shanghai, China, 2018, 450 pages (link)

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